How to run Kerio VPN Client in any Linux system

How to run Kerio VPN Client in any Linux system

Dec 9, 2021
linux, docker, fedora, keriovpn, arch

The Kerio VPN Client only has an official client for Debian-based like Ubuntu. We could use Alien to convert DEB to RPM format and then install as usual.

But there’s a warning about conflict packages, and if we force install, we could face trouble because of incompatibility.

Can we do this better?

CONTAINERs is the rescue!

I provide full Dockerfile and related scripts at

Let’s try to run a client #

The default port is: 4090

Obtain the fingerprint

The default port is: 4090

Obtain the fingerprint

openssl s_client -connect YOUR_SERVER:YOUR_PORT < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -fingerprint -md5 -noout -in /dev/stdin


    <connection type="persistent">

Spin up the client

docker run -d --name keriovpn --net=host --privileged -v /path/to/kerio-kvc.conf:/etc/kerio-kvc.conf

From now, you could check the container logs to see detail the login address, and ask your Network Team about DNS server.

Hope this help!

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